Booking an escorts is not just the preserve of single men, although it is by far the biggest percentage of the market. Some couples like to be adventurous and like to come up with different ideas to spice things up. Sometimes a gent will hire an escort to surprise his partner and of course it happens the other way round as it is the lady who thinks of surprising her partner. the practice is becoming more and more prevalent. by definition the type of escort is usually bisexual or at least bi-curious and does not mind engaging with couples. These escorts often find the idea novel and different. Dinner parties with that extra place set at the table with good wine and conversation prior to the possibility of more fun happening later. The bisexual escort involved are all types, blondes, brunettes, slim or petite it really does take all sorts. Bisexual escorts are often the girls who also take part in bisexual duos. A different type of threesome.
It is not unusual for affluent couples once they have got used to a particular escort to invite her overnight or for a weekend away. The more adventurous and open minded of the Chester escorts are eager to push out the boundaries and embrace such a concept. It takes a very broad minded couple to go for this option to broaden their horizons. Many of our bisexual escorts in Chester are eager to try this option and are just waiting to be invited into such a scenario, These girls are usually the more playful and uninhibited type of escort. Some of the bisexual duo escorts think of it as the next step; being with two people that are strangers to them.
If you are a couple and are considering this option the why not contact us to explore possibilities..